
Bugcheck when replicator state is changed concurrently

GitHub Issue: 8138 Affected versions: 5.0.0 Fixed for: 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

Deadlock happens when run 'List Trace Sessions' service and there are many active trace sessions

GitHub Issue: 8151 Affected versions: 5.0.0 Fixed for: 3.0.12, 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

The bug was found when few instances of QA tests was running concurrently.

The problem happens when textual representation for list of trace sessions takes more than 1KB (internal size of service output buffer) and service working thread runs faster than service start thread fire EVENT_SERVICE_START.

Process could attach to the deleted instance of shared memory

GitHub Issue: 8150 Affected versions: 5.0.0 Fixed for: 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

The bug was found when few instances of QA tests was run concurrently.

Here, the shared memory area of trace config storage was deleted by exiting CS process, while new process successfully attaches to it and see no actions performed by processes started later - as they uses new instance of shared memory.

The hung or crash could happen when connection fires TRACE_EVENT_DETACH event and new trace session created concurrently

GitHub Issue: 8149 Affected versions: 5.0.0 Fixed for: 3.0.12, 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

The bug was found when few instances of QA tests was run concurrently.

Can not specify concrete IPv6 address in ES/EDS connection string

GitHub Issue: 8156 Affected versions: 3.0.0, 4.0.0, 5.0.0 Fixed for: 3.0.12, 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

Consider script:

set list on;
set echo on;
connect 'inet6://[::1]/employee';

select mon$remote_protocol as procotol_when_connect_from_isql
from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection;

set term ^;
execute block returns(protocol_when_connect_by_es_eds varchar(20) ) as
  declare stt varchar(255) = 'select mon$remote_protocol from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection';
      execute statement (stt)
          on external 'inet6://[::1]/employee'
          as user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey'
      into protocol_when_connect_by_es_eds
set term ;^

On all current FB (3.x ... 6.x) it raises exception on ES/EDS:

Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
External Data Source provider 'inet6://[' not found
-At block line: 4, col: 13

Attempts find workaround (i.e. specify IPv6 using '[[' & ']]'; or to make some kind of 'escaping' via ''; or enclosing into double quotes) have no result.

ICU 63.1 suppresses conversion errors

GitHub Issue: 8108 Affected versions: 4.0.4, 5.0.0 Fixed for: 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

FB4 returns an empty string when he can't translate Unicode symbol into ICU-codepage.

FB3 in this case returns an error.

Unicode symbol with code 0x115F (input string 'ᅟ')

Connection charset is NONE.

-- FB3 and FB4 are OK.
select cast(_utf8 'ᅟ' as varchar(1) character set utf8) from rdb$database

-- FB3 returns an error, FB4 OK (an error is expected)
select cast(_utf8 'ᅟ' as varchar(1) character set tis620) from rdb$database

-- FB3 and FB4 return an error (it is OK)
select cast(_utf8 'ᅟ' as varchar(1) character set win1251) from rdb$database

The problem in new implementation of callback function UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP in ICU v63.1


In ICU v52 (FB3) this function does not contain any code


MAKE_DBKEY bug after backup/restore

GitHub Issue: 8168 Affected versions: 5.0.0 Fixed for: 5.0.1, 6.0 Alpha 1

Firebird relation ids are not stable. While some BLRs uses relation ids, BLR of stored code always refers to them by name.

However, system function MAKE_DBKEY transforms relation name to id and stores this id even in stored BLR.

After backup/restore, MAKE_DBKEY(name) is going to refer to different table.

New features/improvements

Cardinality estimation should use primary record versions only

GitHub Issue: 8161 apply to: 3.0.12

The issue was found on FB3 due to failed QA test for CORE-5602. While the test runs successfully on FB4-FB6, the issue is common for all versions.

Option for GEN_UUID to generate v7 UUID

GitHub Issue: 7980 apply to: 6.0 Alpha 1

UUID v7 more index-able than UUID v4(Current used in FirebirdSQL, CMIIW), please bring support for UUID v7 in FirebirdSql.

New feature/improvement requests

Provide ability to specify FW value directly in CREATE DATABASE statement

GitHub Issue: 8153

Please provide ability to specify FW value directly in CREATE DATABASE statement, e.g.:

CREATE DATABASE 'localhost:c:\temp\tmp4test.fdb' USER SYSDBA PASSWORD 'masterkey' ASYNC;

Ping function and events

GitHub Issue: 8122

fb_ping and Attachment::ping, in the case of tcp/ip connection, only checks the main connection.

When client registers events, I think it should also check the event connection, which may break while the main one is fine and application could just stop to receive events.

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