Version 5.0.7 - 14th Jul 2022

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix cfged root path discovery on Windows.
  2. Fix cfged corrupting File database parameters.
  3. Fix cfged export for File database.
  4. Fix auto-registration of tables with composite key.
  5. Fix coercion of decimal values into float.
  6. Fix synchronization of ODBC numeric data type.
  7. Fix misleading error message in cases when a field not found in an Oracle table.

Version 5.0.6 - 28th Jan 2019

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication of negative decimal numbers to ODBC databases.
  2. Fix CDC plugin savepoints rollback.
  3. Fix several misleading error messages in ODBC driver.
  4. Fix crash during decoding of some licenses.
  5. Fix shutdown sequence on Linux.

Version 5.0.5 - 20th Jan 2018

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix crash bug on 64 bit platforms.
  2. Fix time formatting in log output and conflict log.

Version 5.0.4 - 23rd Oct 2017

Bug Fixes:

  1. Correct exit code for cfged without -b switch. Return code = 1 if any error occurs during work.
  2. Fix repeated attempts to replicate missing records.
  3. Fix CRS and log settings for a schema in cfged.
  4. Fix incorrect synchronisation error message.
  5. Fix compatibility issue with Interbase 64 bit client.

Version 5.0.3 - 23rd Jan 2017

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication of ODBC DECIMAL fields.
  2. Fix replicated records being counted as errors.
  3. Fix memory leak on replication of BLOBs bigger than 64k.

Version 5.0.2 - 10th Jan 2017

Behaviour changes:

  1. Automatic conflict resolution failure because of unknown reason is now treated as an error, not a conflict.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication of NOT NULL BLOB fields.
  2. Fix storage of replcation condition for target database in cfged.
  3. Fix error counter output for total stats.

Version 5.0.1 - 8th Nov 2016

New Features:

  1. Mail notification supports setting of port number for SMTP host in the format of "host:port".

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication from data files of Version 4.x.
  2. Fix offline replication of zero-length strings.
  3. Workaround Firebird "Blob not found" error on insert conflict resolution.

Version 5.0.0 - 18th July 2016

New Features:

  1. Change Data Capture plugin for Avalerion.
  2. Automatic table registration in replication schema for File source.
  3. Error is logged on unique key violation before attempt of conflict resolution.

Version 4.2.6 - 16th May 2016

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix adding of new table mapping into Oracle configuration.
  2. Fix key mapping if key field is not the first in list.
  3. Fix mapping to Stored Procedures.
  4. Fix cfged crash on configurations with multibyte default character set.

Version 4.2.5 - 11th September 2015

Bug Fixes:

  1. The word "START" is reserved in both InterBase and Firebird.
  2. Fix cfged not saving the connection role for a default configuration.
  3. Fix separator value being lost in the InterBase conflict log.
  4. Fix timestamp-based conflict resolution in Oracle driver.
  5. Fix config type name output in error message.
  6. Fix creation of configuration in Oracle database.
  7. Ignore "Object does not exist" errors during dropping of an Oracle configuration.

Version 4.2.4 - 26th March 2015

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix error on automatic conflict resolution during offline replication if a record's data starts at the edge of a block.
  2. Fix error on automatic conflict resolution during offline replication if a record's data crosses the edge of the last block.

Version 4.2.3 - 30th August 2014

Bug Fixes:

  1. Workaround for the MS SQL ODBC driver returning warnings even on successful connect.
  2. Fix offline replication of sequences.
  3. Fix broken offline conflict files.

Version 4.2.2 - 4th August 2014

New Features:

  1. Compatibility with data files from version 4.0.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix "invaid typecast" error on database type change.
  2. Fix Foreign Key behaviour setting being reset to "Error" on table edit in configuration of Firebird type.

Version 4.2.1 - 18th April 2014

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix several issues with filtration in mapping window.
  2. Fix timestamp-based conflict resolution if timestamp field is among autogenerated field pairs.
  3. Fix "Use 2-phase commit" is always default value on database info edit.

Version 4.2 - 17th February 2014

New Features:

  1. Replication from InterBase, Firebird or Oracle to other databases via ODBC.
  2. Rename data files replicated to a target database after a replication has been applied successfully, instead of deleting them.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix sending mail via picky SMTP servers.
  2. Fix crash if RAS user name is set but RAS name is not.

Version 4.1.4 - 24th September 2013

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix timestamp-based conflict resolution in InterBase and Firebird drivers.
  2. Fix several bugs in cfged.
  3. Fix multifield 64bit Primary key issue.

Version 4.1.3 - 16th April 2013

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix false invalid license recognition.
  2. Fix several bugs in cfged.
  3. Fix multifield Primary key issue on 64bits.

Version 4.1.2 - 25th March 2013

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix crash on automatic conflict resolution against InterBase/Firebird tables with BLOBs.
  2. Fix synchronization of tables without data fields.

Version 4.1.1 - 24th December 2012

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix creation of InterBase system objects in dialect 3.
  2. Fix replication from InterBase.

Version 4.1 - 28th November 2012

New Features:

  1. Slightly modified interface of Replication Manager.
  2. Detailed synchronisation log can be written to a file.
  3. Different conflict resolution strategy can be chosen for tables.
  4. Different reaction to foreign key constraint violation can be chosen for tables.
  5. All types of operations are used in offline conflict files.
  6. Improved diagnostic messages from the Replication Server.
  7. Support for long object names in Interbase.
  8. Support for replication to Oracle Stored Procedures and views.
  9. Command-line switch for an initial log file name.
  10. Replication and synchronisation of sequences.
  11. Use of 2-phase commit is optional.
  12. Character set option for Oracle database connections.
  13. Integrity of offline data files is protected with CRC.
  14. Switch --go now is now working on Linux too.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Occasional AVs on database registration information edit.
  2. Synchronisation log window overflow.
  3. Fix creation of system objects in Firebird database with SQL dialect 1.
  4. Fix passwords issue with Oracle configuration and different NLS settings.
  5. Fix replication of tables without data fields from Oracle.

Version 4.0.9 - 12th March 2012

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix another issue after an Oracle connection failure.
  2. Fix Oracle synchronisation.
  3. Fix looping ORA-22922 after error.

Version 4.0.8 - 16th January 2012

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix Replication Manager disconnect from databases after synchronisation.
  2. Fix error count not shown in total stats.
  3. Some errors have been replaced with ORA-00000.
  4. Fix synchronisation to a procedure.
  5. Fix AVs in Replication Manager.
  6. Fix offline synchronisation of some datatypes.
  7. Fix conflict count for File database.

Version 4.0.7 - 14th November 2011

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix sending of mail.
  2. Fix occasional Linux daemon startup issue.
  3. Fix Replication Manager loading of configuration if it was opened via the "Create" option.
  4. Fix password decode on some Linuxes.
  5. Fix issues after an Oracle connection fails.

Version 4.0.6 - 17th August 2011

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix another crash after failed attempt to build field list automatically.
  2. Fix automatic field list build for Oracle tables from non-default schema.
  3. Oracle views are removed from list of potential targets.

Version 4.0.5 - 27th June 2011

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix evaluation period for eastern timezones.
  2. Fix context help in Replication Manager.
  3. Fix synchronization of Oracle tables with NUMBER in Primary Key.

Version 4.0.4 - 14th January 2011

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix a data field mapping problem in the Replication Manager.

Version 4.0.3 - 9th December 2010

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix timestamp-based conflict resolution during offline replication.
  2. Fix inadequate reaction to Oracle environment initialization errors.
  3. Fix synchronization with Oracle.
  4. Fix creating system objects for case-sensitive Oracle tables.
  5. Workaround Oracle's inability to calculate required size for client-side data buffers. NLS_NCHAR is ignored.
  6. Fix offline replication.

Version 4.0.2 - 8th October 2010

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix using of non-SQL-compliant user names.
  2. Fix spoiling of saved configuration comment.
  3. Fix focus problem on empty schema name error.
  4. Fix data display in conflict resolution tool.
  5. Fix loading of data fields list in InterBase driver.

Version 4.0 - 28th July 2010

New Features:

  1. Support replication for Oracle databases, Version 9+. Replication from Firebird and InterBase to Oracle and vice-versa. Also Oracle to Oracle replication.

Version 3.2.2 - 24th September 2009

Bug Fixes:

  1. Buffer Overflow on using '*' with UTF8 connection character set.
  2. Fix crash on auto-build data field list.
  3. Fix offline replication of boolean fields.
  4. Fix granting rights to users with non-SQL compliant names.
  5. Fix daylight saving shift in fixed-time schedules.

Version 3.2.1 - 22nd July 2009

Bug Fixes:

  1. Stop unconditional connection error mail notification.
  2. Fix upgrade of pre-2.0 InterBase configuration.

Version 3.2 - 11th May 2009

New Features:

  1. Periodic disconnect is removed as obsolete.
  2. Support for databases with multibyte default charset.

Version 3.1.1 - 6th April 2009

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix ReplServer hang, when building a auto data field list.
  2. Fix periodical disconnect (remove).
  3. Fix a problem with application shutdown.

Version 3.1 - 25th February 2009

New Features:

  1. Error and conflict notification to SYSDBA via e-mail is performed by the Replication Server itself.
  2. On Linux pid-file is created and used as a lock-file that prevents two Replication Servers running at the same time. The default location is /var/run/, but this may be overriden with --pid-file command line switch or the appropriate option in config.
  3. Manual conflict resolution works for 'File...' database (with some limitations).
  4. Offline synchronization.

Version 3.0.8 - 20th January 2009

Bug Fixes:

  1. Broken offline file if size of data is divisible to size of internal buffer.
  2. Zero-length segment was appended to BLOBs during synchronization.
  3. Creation of system objects failed in the Firebird driver if only a single replicated operation was chosen.

Version 3.0.7 - 1st December 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication databases which use reserved words as identifiers.
  2. Fix memory leak on replication of BLOBs.

Version 3.0.6 - 29th September 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix AV on conflict summary page refresh.
  2. Fix replication of forced updates.
  3. Fix management of conflicts of records with complex primary keys in Firebird driver.
  4. Fix synchronization of tables in which Primary Key contains a boolean field.
  5. Fix upgrade configuration Database from version 2.

Version 3.0.5 - 18th September 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix "Relation not found" error when "File" database is used as a source in a complex replication schema.
  2. Fix replication of tables with binary string as a Primary Key.
  3. Fix upgrade of configuration version 2.5 with EVAL license inside.
  4. Fix data display in conflict resolution tool.

Version 3.0.4 - 2nd July 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication using timestamp based conflict resolution strategy.
  2. Fix wrong conflict message.
  3. Fix spontaneous fallback to symmetric synchronization when the conflict resolution strategy is different from the master-detail.

Version 3.0.3 - 18th June 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication of tables that have TIMESTAMP as a part of the Primary Key.

Version 3.0.2 - 2nd June 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix synchronization of tables without data fields.
  2. Fix synchronization of 'all fields'.
  3. Fix another problem with synchronization of VARCHAR fields.
  4. Fix crash on database edit.
  5. Fix replication monitoring.
  6. Preserve tables order during cloning.
  7. Fix target Database editing an Interbase configuration.
  8. Fix conflict creation and resolution in Firebird driver.

Version 3.0.1 - 28th April 2008

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix synchronization of VARCHAR fields.
  2. Fix reporting of errors during synchronization.
  3. Let ReplServer try to rollback transaction on commit errors.
  4. Fix a small number of minor visual glitches.

Version 3.0 - 9th April 2008

New Features:

  1. Separate driver for Firebird. It now uses fbclient.dll, and as such no longer needs to use specific workarounds for InterBase bugs, and can make use of the some of the more advanced Firebird features. Use with Firebird V1.5+
  2. More detailed information is provided about possible errors that may occour at lower logging levels.
  3. Support for offline replication.
  4. Configurable Foreign Key violation handling.
  5. Replication of all data fields.
  6. New licensing.
  7. Selective removal of system objects.
  8. REPLERROR event is thrown on a replication error.

Version 2.5.1 - 4th May 2007

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix configuration upgrade on InterBase 2007.
  2. Fix default configuration password problem on Japanese Windows.

Version V2.1.11-4 (Linux) - 6th March 2007

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem where objects were being freed when they were not allocated. This caused errors stopping the replication server via the replication manager.

Version V2.1.11-3 (Linux) - 28th February 2007

Bug Fixes:

  1. Support Firebird 2.0 and threaded client library.

Version V2.5 - 23rd February 2007

New Features:

  • Updated Documentation.

Version V2.5 Release Candidate 2 - 11th January 2007

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem where forcing one replication does not refresh the conflicts.

Version V2.5 Release Candidate 1 - 9th January 2007

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix the problem where "Force all replications" for conflicts didn't work properly.

Beta Release Version V2.5 - 8th November 2006

New Features:

  1. The configuration database structure has been changed to support the new features in 2.5, and should be able to be defined in an existing database without generating any conflicts.

  2. The Replication Scheduler is now part of the Replication Server. Setting a schedule is now the way that IBReplicator replicates automatically. The upgrading of an existing configuration to 2.5 will convert a regular interval Replication into a Schedule.


    Please uninstall an existing scheduler service before upgrading. 3. The list of reserved words has been moved from an external file into the configuration database.

  1. The Timestamp field name from a target database definition is now used as the default for each replicated table.
  2. The Replication Monitor has been improved.
  3. It is now possible to customize the Replication order.
  4. Each target database can now have its own Replication log file.
  5. Synchronization of all tables in a database can be defined in a customizable order.
  6. An individual separator value can be set for each table.
  7. There is now a target database wide replication condition.
  8. It is possible to select what operations must be replicated for each table.
  9. It is possible to select which tables to auto-generate.
  10. RAS support is available in the Replication Manager.
  11. The IBReplSrvcInstall application has been removed. The installer will automatically set up the service or use command-line switches.
  12. ReplServer for Windows now supports the 'c', 'u', 'p' and 'r' switches.

Bug fixes:

  1. Total statistics are reset at start of a replication cycle.

Version V2.1.11-2 (Linux) - 14th December 2006

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix the issue that generates high CPU usage when the replication server is run.

Version V2.1.11-1 (Linux) - 3rd October 2006

New Features:

  • replmgr.init.d for Linux

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix segfault on Linux when checking for an already running replication server.

Version V2.1.11 - 15th September 2006

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem with evaluation licensing.

Version V2.1.10 - 29th August 2006

Bug Fixes:

  1. Workaround for a bug in InterBase that was still around in InterBase version 7.
  2. Fix possible problem with Windows Service.

Version V2.1.9 - 18th July 2006

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem with the replication of multi-dimensional arrays.

Version V2.1.8 - 19th June 2006

New Features:

  • Updated and rewritten help files.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Improve indexed access to the REPL_SEPARATOR table.
  2. Allow IBReplicator to create a configuration in an existing database.

Version V2.1.7 - 10th February 2006

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix memory leak in ReplServer.

Version V2.1.6 - 24th January 2006

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem when comparing nullable decimal values.
  2. Fix problem related to assigning composite key values.

Version V2.1.5 - 17th October 2005

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix repeated generation of error number 62 after a broken connection to the configuration database.
  2. Fix reset schema view.
  3. Fix problem with running replication server service under an account that has limited rights.
  4. Fix problem decrypting license keys that start with a "G".
  5. Fix issue with triggers and Firebird Classic metadata cache.

Version V2.1.4 - 18th July 2005

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix endless configuration loading loop.

Version V2.1.3 - 6th June 2005

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix synchronisation of DECIMAL with a different scale.
  2. Fix synchronisation of tables that have a character Primary Key.
  3. Fix problem with InterBase 5.x where trying to save a database registration causes the InterBase server to crash.

Version V2.1.2 - 24th May 2005

New Features:

  1. Support for InterBase 7.x BOOLEAN datatype added.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix replication and synchronisation of VARCHAR arrays.
  2. Fix synchronisation of Blobs.

Version V2.1.1 - 15th March 2005

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem where reloading the configuration database can cause unpredictable behaviour for the event listener.

Version V2.1 - 4th March 2005

New Features:

  1. InterBase or Firebird Keywords/Reserved Word used as delimited object names are now supported. The list of Keywords is currently kept in a file in the IBReplicator install directory (keywords.ib). It is planned that this file will migrate into a table in the configuration database with the next major release.
  2. Show current replicating source->target database pair in Replication Server application status bar.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem starting the Replication Server as an application with the -m switch.
  2. Ignore computed fields.
  3. Fix bug related to timestamp conflict resolution.

Version V2.0 - 3rd February 2005

The Replication engine has been largely re-written. Future development can build on a proper object-oriented development platform, that can be used in the future to provide multi database support e.g. Firebird/InterBase to Oracle, MySQL etc.


If you plan to use this new version of IBReplicator, please take copies of your configuration databases before installing. The Replication Manager will automatically upgrade old configuration databases on opening. This new configuration database is not compatible with the old Replication Server (V1.5x).

New Features:

  1. Limited support for updatable Primary Keys. For this purpose the replication Stored Procedure parameter order has been changed. Now it is (NewKey1, NewKey2..., Field1, Field2..., OldKey1, OldKey2..., Op);


    It can handle a single update PK update, but will fail if a double update takes place. For eample, if you update a PK value from 1 to 2 and then to 3, you will get a "record not found" error as per IBReplicator V1.5.

  2. Completely new interface for conflict logging and management. Thanks to Bill Newhall, TPMS, Inc.

  3. Instead of the older style of a bit-map of logged events, New log levels have been introduced that provides more information on what is happening:

    0 - No log
    1 - Errors only
    2 - Warnings and error details
    3 - More informative messages
    4 - More detailed information
    5 - Full Debug
  4. Replication Configuration can now be created in an existing database.

  5. User can now choose what Database service the Replication Server is dependent on.

  6. NOTIFYSERVER Stored Procedure is now called REPL$NOTIFY.

  7. In the configuration database, the table REPL$CONFIG has been renamed to CONFIG.

  8. Foreign Key errors are now handled as Manual Conflicts.

  9. Improved error handling means that the IBReplicator Guardian is no longer needed.

  10. Cloning can now automatically use all available databases.

  11. The Replication Manager will ask the user whether they want to keep or delete the contents of REPL_LOG when using the "Create System Objects" function.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Replication Manager preserves the order of Stored Procedure parameters.
  2. Do not duplicate user conditions in update log triggers for the simplest of cases without using columns.
  3. Failed connection to configuration database doesn't stop the replication service anymore. Instead it will attempt to re-connect every 60 seconds.
  4. Ask for user confirmation before deleting any pending replications.
  5. Fix incorrect replication database license count.
  6. Fix AV in Replication Manager - 'Database/Add'
  7. Replserver now returns the correct error codes. ReplServer used to always return 0 even when an error ocurred.
  8. Improve statistics handling. Do not count rollbacked operations in Total Statistics. Update Statistics in config database more frequently.
  9. "Keep Stats" flag is respected.
  10. Fix bug related to deleting tables from an existing Replication Schema.
  11. Limit the number of debug log lines when Replication Server is run in application mode to 10000 lines only at a time to prevent the log window overflowing.
  12. Handle invalid BLOB ID error.
  13. Fix bug in usage of -a --go.
  14. Pick up instances of InterBase 7.5 servers so the Replication Server, run as a service can be dependent on the InterBase service.

Version 1.5.13 - 3rd February 2005

Bug Fixes:

  • Pick up default instance of an InterBase 7.5 server so the Replication Server, run as a service can be dependent on the InterBase service.

Version 1.5.12 - 30th December 2004

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix bug that caused automatic deletion of Table to Stored Procedure replications.

Version 1.5.11 - 21st December 2004

Bug Fixes:

  1. Revoke granted rights before dropping IBReplicator's triggers in the source database.
  2. Fix problem deleting the last record from the Manual Conflict resolution tool.

Version 1.5.10 - 7th December 2004

Bug Fixes:

  • Count errors properly in global statistics when an error occurs.

Version 1.5.9 - 2nd December 2004

Bug Fixes:

  • Replserver now returns the correct error codes. ReplServer used to always return 0 even when an error ocurred.

Version 1.5.8 - 7th Sep 2004

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix problem related to releasing a handle that was allocated by another connection. Generates ErrorNo: 49 and 49b.

Version 1.5.7 - 27th May 2004

Bug Fixes:

  1. Improve error handling.
  2. Add table number to logging of the primary key.

Version 1.5.6 - 7th May 2004

Bug Fixes:

  1. Downgrade disconnect errors to non-fatal.
  2. Rollback instead of commit (that can fail) on log read error.

Version 1.5.5 - 10th March 2004

New Features:

  1. Log message on RAS disconnect.
  2. Clarification of creating system objects in Replication Manager. If you choose "Create system objects" at the source database or at the whole schema level, system objects (replication triggers and tables) will be created for all target databases and all replicated tables. If you use "Create system objects" at the target Database level, then system objects will be created in the source database for all tables replicated to given target database. If you use "Create system objects" at the table level, system objects will be created for that particular table, and allow replication to the specific target database.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix bug when Firebird Server crashes on target, to allow IBReplicator to disconnect gracefully.
  2. Add "-a" flag to Replication Server shortcut. i.e. automatically start Server as an application when accessed via the shortcut.
  3. Load IBReplicator 1.4 schedules correctly.

Verision 1.5.4 - 10th February 2004

New Features:

  1. Allow the removal of all table mappings in a target database within a particular schema. Instead of having to remove each table mapping individually.
  2. Allow the creation of a schema object for a single target database and table.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix SQL error "Events already registered" when starting and stopping the Replication Monitor.
  2. Fix bug that allowed the Replication Server to ignore command line switches when running in application mode.
  3. Fix the debug logging environment, and tell the Replication Server to look for pd.txt if used in IBReplicators home directory as defined by the registry key.
  4. Fix bug that caused "Dependency does not exist or has been marked for deletion" when starting Replication Service that is dependent on a Firebird 1.5 Server.
  5. Allow the Replication Monitor to pick up replication operations after the first event is received from the configuration database rather than waiting for the second event to be received.
  6. Fix bug in Replication Scheduler that didn't allow the scheduler to start properly.

Version 1.5.2 - 19th January 2004

New Features:

  • Browse button for local databases in the Configuration Management.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Auto-generated tables are now visible without requiring a refresh.
  2. Refresh and deletion now work if repl_log doesn't exist.

Version 1.5 - 14th January 2004

New Features:

  1. Because of backwards compatibility issues, IBReplicator makes use of the Generate Client library as GDS32.dll for Legacy app. Support feature of the Firebird 1.5 installation routine. So please make sure that this is checked on your Firebird 1.5 install.

  2. The method used to handle configuration database registry keys for IBReplicator has changed. If you are installing this version of IBReplicator over an older version, your configuration database registry keys will automatically be migrated to support the new format.

  3. There is a new configuration manager, that does not require you to keep "logging in", and should also be simpler and more intuitive to use.

  4. This version of IBReplicator now supports Dialect 3 SQL Delimited Identifiers. This allows replication to take place between tables and stored procedures that were defined using "". More information on SQL Delimited Identifiers can be found here.

  5. The visual Replication server and Replication service have been combined into a single program. If your windows operating system does not support services, then the visual Replication server will be started by default as a GUI. Otherwise the Replication server needs to be installed and run as a service via the IBReplicator Service Install utility. If you do want to start the Replication server as a GUI program, then you need to start the Replication server from the command line using the following command:

    ReplServer -a, --application

    Other Options:

    -m, --min run minimized
    --auto    timer on by default
    --go      start replication automatically
    --pd      periodic disconnect/reconnect to the Config Database

Version 1.4.4 - 20th November 2003

New Features:

  1. Hot key for "Cancel" changed from "Ctrl-C" to "Esc".
  2. Default log, debug outputlog and expected location of "pd.txt" for periodic disconnect now changed to be the default installation location of IBReplicator as defined by the "Path" registry key.
  3. Seperate builds of IBReplicator Server for InterBase 6.x and Firebird 1.0x.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Enter" now works for right-window icons.
  2. Double-click now hides Tools->Sheduler.
  3. "Save" and "Cancel" are now disabled when configuration isn't edited.
  4. Wrong Database priority handling corrected.
  5. Fix Role Usage by Replication Manager.

Version 1.4.3 - October 2003

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixes a known registry bug in IBReplSrvcInstall.exe.

Version 1.4.2 - September 2003

New Features:

  • This is the first IBPhoenix build of IBReplicator although there are no major changes to the source in terms of functionality, the build process has been verified and the installation process has been substantially updated.

Bug Fixes:

  1. More RAS problems.

Version 1.4.1 - 17 December 2002

New Features:

  • Version 1.4.1 is very little different to 1.4. The service build has better debug logging and the Service Control Application has a better default directory.

Bug Fixes:

Version 1.4 also attempts to fix some problems that seem to occur in the Windows environment, both with the GUI version and with the service version.

These problems are:

  • Replication Server crashing after running for days/weeks.
  • Replication Server failing to replicate rows after running for many days.
  • InterBase/Firebird Server growing in size, and running slower and slower.
  • Service version not responding to posted events.

The main problem seems to be the long running connection that is maintained to the Configuration database. In this version, the connection is dropped after each replication cycle, and then recreated. All InterBase Client structures etc. are dropped as well, and recreated.

This behaviour is NOT the default behaviour of this version. In order for the periodic disconnect to occur, the following must be done:

  1. With the GUI version, run with /pd parameter.
  2. With the Service version, (or GUI version), create a file "pd.txt", in the InterBase/FireBird base directory, (i.e where ISC4.gdb exists). This file must be created BEFORE running the Replication Server.

Version 1.3.6 4 - November 2002

Bug Fixes:

  1. Ambiguous field error with Firebird.
  2. RAS problems.
  3. Occasional 'Data type unknown' errors.
  4. Problems with INT64 key fields.

Version 1.1.1 - 27 March 2001

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix problem with Registry entries in Japanese Locales. This affected the Windows versions of IBReplicator only. When saving String entries on Japanese NT versions, the values were being converted to Shift-JIS string code. The solution was to store all registry entries as binary values. This version is backward compatible with earlier versions, but earlier versions will not read Registry entries made by this version.

Migrating from earlier versions (1.0.x and above) to 1.1.x:

  • If you have any schemas defined which have a Source Database replicating to more than one target (within the SAME schema), then it is advisable to run 'Create System Objects' for each of those source databases. NOTE: Do NOT run 'Remove System Objects', as this will empty the REPL_LOG table. In such schemas, more than one entry was being placed in the log for any row modified. It did not cause any data errors, but just meant that some changes were replicated more than once.
  • If you were using the older licenses bought from Synectics Software, for use with the version of IBReplicator for OpenSource InterBase, then those licenses will not work with this version. Either get the version of IBReplicator for OpenSource InterBase, or buy licenses from Borland Software Corp, for use with the version of IBReplicator for Borland InterBase (the certified commercial version of InterBase).

Version 1.1

New Features:

  1. Modify licensing module to use internal InterBase licensing. Licenses to be bought from Borland.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix bug in Replication Server, which caused "Invalid Delete key data type" error when replicating deletes with Numeric(18,0) (Int64) primary keys.
  2. Fix occasional AV when exiting GUI version of Server.
  3. Fix AV when removing Target database. This occurred when there where many tables in the treeview.
  4. Fix bug when creating system objects. Caused too many entries to appear in the REPL_LOG table when a source database has more than one target.(See 'Migration' above).
  5. Fix bug which sometimes throws AV on fast machines when IBReplmanager is started for the first time. After prompting the user whether they want to create a new configuration, it would AV on some fast machines. May be related to Windows 2000 as well.

Version 1.0.3 - 22 November 2000

New Features:

  1. The Replication Server now has a feature to automatically map all tables and fields on the source database to tables and fields of the same name on the target database.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix 'Primary Key Violation' problem when executing 'Create System Objects' the second and subsequent times. This bug was introduced in 1.0.2.
  2. Documentation updated to include information on bi-directional and n-Way replication. This information is included in the help file as well.

Version 1.0.2 - 25 October 2000

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix bug in Replication Server, which caused "Invalid select key data type" error when replicating rows with Numeric(18,0) primary keys.
  2. Fix bug in Replication Manager which caused the replication log (REPL_LOG) to be emptied when 'Create System Objects' was executed. This meant that pending replications would not happen.
  3. Fix problem which prevented the Replication Server from recovering when contact has been lost with a source database. The error encountered was 'Invalid Transaction handle. Expected explicit transaction start'.

Version 1.0.1 - 19 September 2000

New Features:

  1. Modified licensing code to accept new licensing structures, e.g. bundles of 50 and 200 replicants.
  2. Modified encryption of licensing keys. This was because of mild inconsistancies in previous encoding. Old license keys (from 1.0.0) will not work in this version. Free upgrade of licenses.