Bugs Found
Client-side use of databases.conf doesn't support modern URLs as value of an alias
GitHub Issue: 8302 Affected versions: 5.0.1, 6.0 Initial
Client-side, it is possible to specify aliases that have a legacy connection URL as its value:
testdb = localhost:E:\DB\FB5\FB5TESTDATABASE.FDB { AuthClient = Legacy_Auth }
When connecting with testdb, it will connect to localhost:E:DBFB5FB5TESTDATABASE.FDB (using the specified config). If you specify localhost:E:DBFB5FB5TESTDATABASE.FDB, it will also use the specified config.
However, the value of the alias can not be a modern url:
testdb2 = inet://localhost/E:\DB\FB5\FB5TESTDATABASE.FDB { AuthClient = Legacy_Auth }
With this config, attempts to connect with testdb2 will fail with error:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08006 Unable to complete network request to host "inet". -Failed to locate host machine. -The specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services.
And attempts to connect with inet://localhost/E:DBFB5FB5TESTDATABASE.FDB will not apply the specified configuration.
Expected behaviour would be for it to work the same as when the alias value is a legacy URL.
CREATE DOMAIN and ALTER DOMAIN do not validate the default value
GitHub Issue: 8303 Affected versions: 5.0.1, 6.0 Initial
CREATE DOMAIN does not evaluate the default value for validity, which makes it possible to create a domain with an invalid default. Same happens for ALTER DOMAIN if the domain is not yet used for a NOT NULL column.
Bugs Fixed
Database access error when nbackup is starting
GitHub Issue: 8237 Affected versions: 3.0.12, 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Initial Fixed for: 3.0.13, 4.0.6, 5.0.2, 6.0 Alpha 1
In rare cases (hard to reproduce because caused by races) engine returns error about invalid (zero) page type when switching database to nbak mode.
wrong results using minvalue/maxvalue in join condition
GitHub Issue: 8304 Affected versions: 4.0.5, 5.0.1, 6.0 Initial Fixed for: 4.0.6, 5.0.2, 6.0 Alpha 1
Using minvalue in a join condition can cause the effect that records are not in the result set although they should be. Affects Firebird 5 and up, Firebird 4 and lower are not affected.
Crash at database restore due to failed system call
GitHub Issue: 8315 Affected versions: 5.0.1, 6.0 Initial Fixed for: 5.0.2, 6.0 Alpha 1